Jewel 19


Thinking about some memory, whether a precious or repugnant one, is nothing more than the act of dreamweaving. This is so for the fact that once something becomes a memory it becomes unreal. The past event that the brain recorded is no longer.

Jewel 18


Intelligence is wisdom…

The very application of intelligence is the utilization of wisdom, which is true wholistic movement of the mind. Human beings, throughout time, have always been intellectual. Seldom a few or handful of humans are born with real intelligence, being fortunate enough to never have their minds tainted by the fallacies of society and the ‘hypnotic’ programming of the world at large. 

If one is questioning why the author has made a distinction between intelligence and the intellect, we will explore into how there truly is a distinction between both momentarily. Intellect is not intelligence, for the intellect is a by-product of ones conditioning; what is conditioned is dull and limited, for it is blindly or heavily involved in a particular pattern of thought, of ‘seeing’ things. Intelligence, on the other hand, is the usage of the entire brain, both hemispheres. It is not limited for it instantly adapts and rectifies itself according to ‘what is’. The intellect however, cannot rectify itself according to ‘what is,’ due to the fact that like mentioned earlier, it is blindly involved or stuck in a particular pattern, a certain way of ‘viewing’ and doing things.

For this reason, the overwhelming majority of human beings are intellectual, not intelligent. Merely a very few people have the mental energy to shatter and abruptly break out of their conditioning, their conditioning which makes them into trivial and petty little organisms, always believing themselves as to being “right” because of what they’ve been told by others or from what they’ve read.

Jewel 17


Empty space is not empty…

Empty space actually houses virtual particles that shift in and out of existence constantly. This is merely the functionality of unmanifest reality, giving unmanifest potential the ability to reify into the manifest reality, which is the realm of matter.

Similarly we can liken this to ideas in our heads, for instance, a drummer hears a beat in his head (empty space housing virtual or unmanifest potential/latent realities), subsequently, he begins playing that very same beat on his drum set (manifesting the virtual or unmanifest content).

Jewel 15


No thought is good or bad, stop constructing such inner catastrophe…

Why don’t you simply look at thought?

View it with no preference or judgement? See it for what it is, a mere thought. This is how you stay away from inner conflict with oneself. There is no need to create disaster in your own heavenly abode, which is mind.

Always remember that there is only one thinker, so no matter how much thoughts contradict one another, ultimately and truly they’re all the same thing! So, in all honesty, and in actuality, it is quite silly to fight and fuss with, run from or reject, your thoughts.

Jewel 14


The Law of Attraction does not teach you how to properly manifest that which you desire. Get rid of it.

In order to manifest, there must be the application of will, passion, and the action that will ensue that which is desired. One can’t merely sit in a chair and parrot some meaningless phrase, in hope of “attracting” what it is that he or she is focusing on.

When it comes to manifestation there must be passion, intense and firm passion along with unwavering will power or intent, as well as the implementation or necessary action(s) that must bring that which is thought about into being.

Jewel 13


Chess is a game of awareness, not thinking.

One must observe his opponent as he utilizes his pieces diligently. Attention is key. Attention is key for it doesn’t require concentrative thought. Concentration builds a wall around perception, beaming it to a single point. During a game of Chess, in lieu of contemplating, simply remain attentive to the board and every pieces’ position. Thinking too much will deteriorate your clarity. It’s war, not a cooking preparation. In battle one must act instantly, instinctively. Similar to when one is faced with immediate danger―a snake for instance, the individual will act instantly. He will not contemplate acting.

Knowledge can be instinctual, for it is memory, and all of our reflexes are a result of the past human experiences that’s stored in our DNA. Thus, when playing Chess, one should never analyze―only observe and act accordingly, for appropriate knowledge will ignite when need be. This does not only pertain to Chess… it applies to everything in Life.
