Jewel 33


Born out of agitation is thought’s habitual nature of predicting, based solely on past knowledge. It uses the past to predict the future. This agitation is thought’s tendency to deny the living present, being stuck on the past and/or projecting into the future.

Now, one may wonder, “How to end this?” It cannot be ended, however, once this agitated state of thought is observed it goes into abeyance. The activity itself persists but YOU, that point of observation, ceases being flung to and fro thoughts projection into the past or future.

Obviously thought itself is contradiction, but, there are different modes of thought in its movement. Normally thought flings into the mind upon waking perception, perceiving an object. The past begins to articulate itself based on this. That is its first movement. Depending on the situation, thought moves variously in accordance with the particular situation. An example of this is analysis vs. instinctual action. For instance, one who is analyzing facts and historical documents is undergoing a slower movement of thought, whereas, one who is in the midst of danger acts immediately (either ‘fight or flight’ response) because thought is moving in a unitary sense.

This unitary movement of thought is far quicker than the sluggish searching action of thought that is based in analysis.

Jewel 32


Nature is supreme intelligence, for it does not mimic anything, it has nothing to use as a reference to create. True creation is devoid of the utilization of a reference, a ‘model.’ We humans must use references, inspirations, to “create” things. In fact, every living entity besides nature itself must use a model/reference to ‘create’ things.

Jewel 31


This Knowingness or knowledge that is contained in the head and that makes us who we are is an energy; this energy is in sync with the celestial bodies, for the stars and constellations constitute its idiosyncratic tendencies and operational nature. The experience of Life is an energy itself and this energy is translated as the accumulated knowledge that is stored in the head-brain space, therefore, circumstances and events throughout the course of one’s life also play a major part in the functioning and development of this Knowingness that dwells within oneself.